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The BFD – Business Freedom Design
(Just what did you think that meant???)


You’ve decided to really step it up and do what needs to be done to move your business forward.

You recognize that in order to get the growth you want, you have to have a sound business plan, you need to become strategic and focused in your activities, and you must successfully execute. You’ve come to the realization that you can’t do it alone; you need advice and support and guidance from an expert who has done it already.

Small business finances coach for creatives

You want to create a business that fits with your life, but doesn’t control it. One that changes your world and the worlds of those you serve. One that meets your financial goals (or exceeds them!) without overwhelm and sacrifice.

A business that is fun, and creative, and passionate, and lets you be YOU to make the impact on the world that you want to make.

This is a one-on-one, six (6) to (12) month business growth intensive customized around your specific business needs to help you create the Business Freedom Design (or BFD) that you’ve always wanted.

A Virtual CFO for your business.


Included in this process:

  • An analysis of your existing business structure, current financials, and current business workflows.
  • Clarification/development of short term and long term goals for your business.
  • Development of a formal operating budget and financial growth plan.
  • Tactical financial strategy.
  • Assistance with defining the key operating metrics for your business and the development of processes to track results.
  • Development of a strategic plan for growth and action plans for implementation and execution.
  • Tactical advice on the execution of strategic plans.
  • Ongoing coaching/mentoring/accountability support to keep you on track.
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Are you ready to embrace your business with confidence and creativity and become financially successful?