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I help creative entrepreneurs turn their passions, visions, goals and dreams into profitable businesses


I am passionate about helping creative people become successful business owners.

Small business virtual CFO Lisa M Hicks

Building a business can be overwhelming. I know.

Not only can it be challenging to learn (and learn how to implement!) the “hows” of creating a business, but you have to somehow turn it into a success. It has to financially sustain you.

Building a profitable business doesn't have to be hard.

What if it was easy and fun and liberating?
I believe it’s possible to create a financially successful business for yourself AND be creative and authentic and intuitive…all at the same time. AND HAVE FUN WHILE DOING IT.

Because if it’s not fun, #whyareyoudoingit

What if you had someone to turn to for support and encouragement? Someone to guide you through the overwhelm. Someone who could tell you not only the “whats” to do, but also the “hows”. Someone who understands your passion, your creativity, your desire to do it your way. A thought partner for business building.

I help creative entrepreneurs turn their passions, visions, goals and dreams into profitable businesses.

I help you become more effective at business - because when you become more effective you become more productive, more creative, more confident and make more money.

Small business finance for creatives with Lisa M Hicks

I help you optimize the money side of your business.

Together we create strategies and structures that support and empower you to follow your dreams.
Strategies that feel good to your soul, that feel authentic to who you are. Structures that don’t feel heavy and weigh you down, but are liberating because they provide your business with a solid foundation so you can do what you do best.

I not only provide you with business tools, techniques and strategies, but also with support and connection and accountability.

Growing your business just got easier.

Small business & financial management with Lisa M Hicks

My name is Lisa Hicks.

I’m all about creative business building.

I combine financial know-how and innovative thinking to create custom growth-producing strategies that are easy to understand, easy to implement, and effective at helping you reach your goals.

For over 20 years I have been helping solopreneurs and business owners develop the vital leadership and financial management skills necessary to create profitable businesses.

I know I can help you, too.

Let’s talk.

Connect with me on Instagram